Casual Victim Pile = an anagram of "Live Music Capital". You can safely assume that with all due respect to the City of Austin's attempts to promote itself as such. This compilation is only meant to reflect what I like in Austin circa 2008-2010 But there's something to be said for a highly arbitrary take on things...Whether or notthere's a genuine tie to the region's musical history is up for debate - Gerard Cosloy, Austin TX, 9/2009 Casual Victim Pile: Austin 2010
Casual Victim Pile: Austin 2010
Casual Victim Pile = an anagram of "Live Music Capital". You can safely assume that with all due respect to the City of Austin's attempts to promote itself as such. This compilation is only meant to reflect what I like in Austin circa 2008-2010 But there's something to be said for a highly arbitrary take on things...Whether or notthere's a genuine tie to the region's musical history is up for debate - Gerard Cosloy, Austin TX, 9/2009 Casual Victim Pile: Austin 2010